Aspect Fellowship Journey by Keep it Human - Ricardo Climent (España)

Keep•It•Human (KiH) is a Social Venture spin-out from University of Manchester in UK that harnesses the power of video gaming to transform society for the better. We enable charities, foundations, and NGOs to reach a new generation of donors eager to own social challenges.
This presentation will include some highlights of the KiH's journey from starting-up at Aspect Accelerator Success 2020 to its Research Fellowship appointment in 2021.
Ricardo Climent is Professor of Interactive Music Composition at University of Manchester (UK) and Director of the NOVARS Research Centre since 2007. He holds PhD and MA in Composition (Interactive Music) from Queens University Belfast,,and a 5-year Degree in Economic Sciences at the University of Valencia, Spain.
He is founder at ‘Keep•It•Human’, a Digital Game Ecosystem for Collaborative Altruism. This social venture places sound and music at the core of the experience to connect video-game players with the ownership of social challenges.

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